National Day of ____ (Fill in here)

Yesterday was National Love Your Pet day.  Uh, okay.  I love my pets every day.  But, I did the obligatory Facebook postings with my cute dogs, chickens and ducks.  My feed is filled with pics of them anyway.

But, this made me think ... where do these national days come from?  And, what is TODAY?  So off to the internet I go.  According to National Day every day is a national something day.  

WELL ... TODAY is a funny combination of things.  February 21 is National Grain-Free day AND National Sticky Bun Day.

I have to confess, National Sticky Bun day sounds far more appealing to me than grain-free day, although we often have grain-free meals in our home.  

Okay... what's next?

National Sweet Potato day ... National Margarita Day ... I'm down with those.  National California day?  Eh.  National Skip The Straw Day?  Whatever.

Skip the Straw Day?  Tile Day?  I started scrolling the list and I'm wondering where in the world these come from.  SO ... YOU can register a National Day through this website for your organization or business.  There's a whole application process,   Oh the possibilities that are running through my head.  Maybe there needs to be a National Tyler's Bottle Service day.  Or perhaps a national Vintage Travel Trailer day.  The possibilities are endless.

What kind of National Day do you think we should have?


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