Grandma's Diary - February 14
February 14, 1935
Valentine's Day. Earl bought me a lovely box of candy. Awful nice. We went to a show after dinner. Raining awful hard. Water all over the yard. Wish it would freeze. I gave Mom a box of candy, just like Earl gave Mrs. B. She likes it I think.
Surprisingly little written about today. I expected a lot more. Funny that Earl gave her a box of candy when that's what they gave to their Moms too. They had a warm up too, because the other day the newspaper said it was record cold weather. Just as crazy as now.

It is so chilling to see articles talking about Hitler and Mussolini and the war going on. The US involvement is still several years away, but it's coming.

I did laundry yesterday and need to buy more laundry detergent. I think that's why this ad caught my attention. A few of the brands I've never heard of but I sure like the prices!
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