Son of a Motherless Goat

When I was in high school I remember my mom saying that the words that come out of our mouth when something happens unexpectedly shows what's in our heart.
Tonight I was walking from the living room into the kitchen to get something and I didn't quite make it up the one step from one room to the next. Down I went hitting my bad knee and good elbow on the floor but my ankle was okay because I was wearing the walking cast. It's also because of the walking cast that I fell in the first place but there you go. Anyway. When I fell I exclaimed "son of a motherless goat". Mark rushed to my side and helped me up and we discussed the need to wrap me in bubble wrap.
As I'm sitting on the couch Mom's words come back to me. If that's true that what we say in an emergency is what's in our heart, mine is filled with The Three Amigos.
It explains a lot.


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