Community of Women

Without going into a lot of details that are not my place to discuss, we moved my sister in her "new to her" house a couple of weeks ago,   I went over for several days to help and watching the process brought so much joy to my heart.  On moving day her boys were both committed to work commitments so they couldn't help.  Instead, it was a group of her female friends and family that met.  A few days prior we were in the house painting, cleaning, more painting, more painting and with each trip bringing stuff over.  One night we were rocking 90s tunes, singing and dancing while painting and bringing so much joy and laughter to the new home.  We were creating new memories.  The day of the move women gathered, loaded the vehicles and unloaded them.  Trip after trip.  Eventually in the afternoon some husbands and a son showed up but the move was primarily handled by women.  We unpacked boxes, hung curtains, arranged furniture and laughed.  My niece was helping as was my bonus niece.  They were watching us "old ladies" rocking out, singing at the top of our voices, working hard and having fun.  It was just a powerful thing.  As I looked around each day I was so proud of my sister and the community of support she has around her.  Thank you ladies for being there for her.  You are wonderful.   


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