Tyler's Bottle Service is recognized by Waterford Twp.
Tyler received this incredible letter today from Waterford Township. We are so thankful that we live in a community that not only actively supports small businesses like Tyler's but also realizes the importance of looking beyond the dollar and helping our fellow citizens.

There are so many amazing adults like Tyler and Johnathan who want to work. Thankfully, our agencies such as Community Living Services (Tyler's service providers) and Macomb Oakland Regional Center (John's service provider) and the State of Michigan are recognizing the need to help these entrepreneurs follow their passions and determine their own path rather than accepting the "traditional disability" jobs around them.

We've come so far. My Uncle Mark had Down's Syndrome. (It wasn't labeled that at the time.) He worked in a job shop, which was a big deal at that time. However our society has moved past that, and our communities are better for it.
We are still considering opening our own processing center for the returnables. It's a bit overwhelming to consider both financially and logistically, but if we move forward with it, I'm so thankful we live in an area I know will fully support the efforts. (We just have to set up the ownership entity, find a location, secure the necessary licenses, create agreements with all the distributors, etc, etc, etc LOL) As always, we're happy to help out anyone with a disability who wants to start a bottle return business and we're here for whatever advice we can provide for someone starting a different business. We are far from experts, but we know what has worked for Tyler. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
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