Today was such a special day. Thanks to Facebook, some time ago I had reconnected with Beth Wagner, who was one of the incredible nurses in the Bronson Methodist Hospital NICU when Tyler and Logan were born. She was in the operating room when Logan was born. She was always honest, helpful and compassionate. When you have someone in the hospital as long as we did, you get to know the staff. You connect with some, and definitely do not connect with others. Beth was one of the good ones.

We are so very blessed. Our path has not been easy. Having a 1 lb. 5 oz. son and a short 8 months later having a 2 lb. 10 oz. son is not a path I recommend. But, we have been so very fortunate to have incredible helpers along the way. Yes, we had bad experiences (shall we talk about the Doctor I walked out on, or the IEPs where I sat in my car and cried in the parking lot when they were done) but we had far more good than bad. We had kind, compassionate, caring people helping us all along the way.
I hold "helpers" in such high esteem. Nurses, teachers, therapists, first responders ... they impact more lives on a daily basis then I ever will. They face emotional situations that will stay with them the rest of their lives. They make a difference.
Beth, it was such a delight reconnecting with you today. Words can never express our gratitude for all you did for our boys. I know Bryan would agree. And, lets not wait 25 years before we connect again. 

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