
This was a busy week. My 92 year old mother-in-law was here with us. I'm so very thankful for this time with her. She says the funniest things. Her memory has been taken away from her, but her wit has not. I've thoroughly enjoyed having her here, and I'm looking forward to her coming back.
Thanksgiving found me (and Tyler and Logan) heading to Sodus to be with Mom and my family. This year was hard - our first holiday without Dad Ken Barker. We've had a lot of years adjusting to Dad not eating with us after his cancer left him unable to swallow, but he would usually join us at the table. I'm thankful for this time where we could laugh, and shed a few tears, and I'm blessed to have a lifetime of memories to draw upon.
Mark stayed home with his Mom and he invited his friend Robert Wades to join them. Bob made a delicious Thanksgiving meal and helped Mark tackle some tasks around the house while I was gone. I'm so thankful for good friends.
After dinner on Thursday my sister Melanie Leoni gave each of the women in our family a package with a necklace in it. The pendant is made from a piece of one of Dad's well-worn shirts. I'm sure there are photos of him wearing it. It's one he wore a lot. When I see this, I can picture him. Melanie's gift was a touching momento as we worked through our grief. It's now one of my favorite and most cherished pieces of jewelry. I'm thankful for my Sister and my family.
During this time I missed the funeral for a friend's Mom. I'm thankful for Tom and for his Mom, and the organization and hobby that brought us to these friends. I'm thankful for Forrest and Jeri Bone for reviving Tin Can Tourists and all their hard work over the years creating weekends where we could connect with and create memories with amazing people. Michelle, Terry, Kirk, Beth, Teri, Baron, John, Brandon, Liz, Jason, Angie, Kim and Brian and so many other TCT family and friends ... I'm so thankful for you.
Today I checked the post office box and found a package from my friend Kathleen. It was a photo album of pictures from an event I hosted a few weeks ago at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. It made my heart smile remembering the incredible time we had, and the women who brighten my world. I'm so blessed and thankful to have incredible women who inspire me, lift me up and challenge me. Daily they show me the kind of woman I want to strive to become.
I put away some cards today that I had received after Dad passed away. They were from so many people, even some I have never met in person, but just through Facebook. While FB is frustrating because people use it to divide through political opinions, etc. it's more a blessing because it has allowed me to connect with people across the globe I never would have otherwise. Some of these FB "friends" have become dear to me. I look forward to their posts, and the conversations we've had are deeply meaningful. Joanne, Darlene, Bev and so many others ... I cherish you and I'm thankful for you.
I'm thankful for my boys Tyler, Logan and Christopher. They are talented and intelligent guys that I'm proud to call son.
Most of all, I'm thankful for Mark. He supports me in all my crazy passions and ideas, he's there with a strong shoulder when I need one, and he's the best friend I could have asked for.
Life is full of challenges. It's been a very hard couple of years. But, I'm thankful for those challenges because they show me the amazing support and love from those around me. I am blessed. I am so very thankful. And, if you've made it all the way to the end of this, I'm very thankful for you. 

May you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas and holiday season.
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