Jeffrey Epstein's Island

Lists of attendees to Jeffrey Epstein's island are supposed to be unsealed today.  From what I can tell, there are a few politicians still trying to keep the list under seal.  To what end?  The names that have been released already from flight logs read like a "Who's Who" of 10 percenters.  Politicians, fashion celebrities, movie actors, heads of state ... the names make me want to throw up.

Pedophilia and child trafficking has reached an epidemic proportion.  All across the globe minors are being used like commodities.  I don't care what your political affiliation is, what your religious affiliation or who you are.  If you WENT to the Island and didn't come back and raise heck over what is going on, then you're as guilty as the rest.  If you went to the Island multiple times there is NO WAY you didn't know what was going on and your return trip endorses it. 

All over it seems like established power structures are being exposed.  The class of people thinking they are above the rules, no matter what the rules, needs to end.  I'm praying that 2024 blows the roof off all this stuff.  It's time to expose the darkness for what it is.  I don't want to hear "there are more Democrats on the list or there are more Republicans on the list" or any of those other attempts to take attention away from the facts.  The fact is, these people KNEW about the crimes taking place.  There was no doubt the island was created to fill their every fantasy.  Morality be dammed.  Anyone who WENT to the Island needs to be held accountable for each child that was harmed.  These people (and some of the names break my heart) need to be shunned, exposed for the predators they are and brought to justice. 

I'm angry.  So very angry for all the victims.  I'm tired of excuses.  Now is the time for everyone to stand up and say, ENOUGH.  


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