God is in Control

Growing up my cousins had a lovely Grandma, Alma Head, who was like a Grandma to all of us.  It seems to me that she was always old.  Of course, she wasn't.  But, if you look up Grandma in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Alma there.  

Alma was a strong woman of faith.  She always answered her telephone "God is in Control".  She was a fierce prayer warrior and I cherish the notes of encouragement that she sent me over the years.  

My father has battled tongue and throat cancer for 15 years.  It was Stage 4B when he was diagnosed and the prognosis was grim.  Instead, being the warrior that he is, he didn't let it stop him from living his life.  He has continued to run his business, has been on many trips, has met new Grandchildren, and didn't make excuses for the hand life dealt him.  Dad has not been able to sustain himself by eating by mouth for many years, instead getting his nutrition through his g-tube.  Now, he can no longer swallow, and as his throat continues to close up, its becoming harder to understand him as he speaks.

Dad's body is growing tired of the fight.  He now has an open wound on his neck and shoulder, and there is nothing more the doctors can do for him.  New wounds have just opened up.  He is very tired; his body has fought so hard.  

Me and Dad

Today as I was absorbing new information that Mom passed along, my brain was reeling from all the implications.  I live 3 1/2 hours away from my parents. I want to be there.  But, I have responsibilities here.  I have Tyler's business to manage, I have customers waiting for orders.  It's my busy season with Vroomers.  My heart was broken and my head spinning.  

All of a sudden I flashed to Alma and heard her say in her distinctive voice, "God is in Control".  Grandma Head is right.  God IS in control.  At that moment, I so needed the reminder.   While I don't want to walk down this path, I can rest assured that all will be as it should be.  


  1. We all needed to hear Alma. Mom and Dad are in Florida right now and Dad had an emergency during dialysis. While here, I would zoom to Kalamazoo and take care of everything. I felt so helpless. Guess what? Everything was resolved with a positive ending and I wasn't there. No matter what, "God is in control."

  2. xo. love to you and all my michigans.

  3. So sorry to hear of your difficult journey. I pray for you and your family, strength and peace. Your cousin's Grandmother sounds like a very wise woman...You were blessed to have her presence in your life. Take good care of yourself and those you love.


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