Confessions of a puppy foster

For 3-4 years now I have fostered neonate puppies born with special needs, typically cleft lips or cleft palates. They cannot nurse off Mom and required feeding with a syringe. I had learned how to do this taking care of my son Tyler when he was born and it was rewarding to use that skill to help other beings. Taking care of newborn sick animals is not for the faint of heart. Many of them die. They often have other medical issues we cannot see from the outside. It is so hard when we lose them, but it's so rewarding when they survived and went on to their new families. It makes me so happy to watch them grow up and live great lives.
Earlier this year my friends Carrie and Amanda started their own animal rescue. They are focused on orphaned kittens and puppies requiring bottle feeding, tube feeding, etc. I told my friends I would help and I am so amazed by the rapid growth of the rescue, Frankie's Rescue Squad. Carrie asked me if I would foster a couple of kittens and I said I would, with great trepidation. I haven't owned a cat since I had Gina when I was about 5. We thought Gina was a girl, hence the name, but Gina was a boy. We moved and he eventually disappeared from our new house. We briefly had one other cat my Dad brought home but it turned out to be feral and went to live on my Aunt and Uncle's farm. We discovered my Mom was very allergic to cats and that was the end of that. I have always been a dog person, not so much a cat person, although I didn't dislike them. But, a baby is a baby and so 3 little kittens joined our household.
Carrie had been saying for a while how much easier kittens were than puppies, and I have to say, she was right. But, one wasn't doing well from the get go, and Nacho passed away, breaking our hearts. Freya and Jalapeno were doing great though, had adopters and were scheduled to get neutered/spayed, tested and microchipped so they could go to their new families. Then, very unexpectedly Jalapeno passed away. We were stunned. Absolutely stunned. It was a weird passing and we even took Jalapeno to the vet after his death to see what he thought. He was stumped too. Sometimes, we just don't know.
Freya was the sweetest kitten and we loved having her. It was hard taking her to her new family, but they were so excited to get her (they are the people that found the kittens in the first place and saved their lives). They have sent me photos and I feel good knowing she is in wonderful hands.
So, the confession ... Carrie is right. Kittens are easier. Of course, I say that now but I haven't had to tube feed a kitten yet. That opinion may change. But, in many ways, they are easier. We're taking a break from fostering; it's very hard on my family when they pass away. If you have ever considered fostering, I strongly encourage you to try. There is a huge need for fosters for all types of animals, not just kittens and puppies. Reach out to your local rescue or animal shelter. I'm sure they'll be thrilled and I promise as hard as it is to let them go, it's so wonderful to see them thrive and know you were a small part of their life.
Nacho and Jalapeno, I am so thankful we were your family. Freya, enjoy your new family. And, thank you to my family for going along for the ride.
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