Are you guys watching?  Are you listening?

I have always been fascinated by UFOs.  I have always assumed that there is other life in the galaxy and I also believe our government is covering up.  Years ago I had a conversation with my cousin Dani and she asked me if I believed in life on other planets.  "Yes," I responded quickly. "If you believe God created heaven and earth, then it's not a stretch to think God created more than us.  Just look at the diversity all around us."  

I remember reading about Skinwalker Ranch over the years and have been fascinated by the stories, and other things like that.  So, when the show The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch came on the History Channel I watched on day one, and have watched ever since. I even joined the "Insiders" group through the Skinwalker Ranch website.  I admit it, I've become hooked. The show "Beyond Skinwalker Ranch" explores other areas that have strange phenomenon like Skinwalker Ranch.  All investigations are done using the scientific method.  It's not the ghost hunters kind of stuff.  It's so much more.  

One of the primary perks of being a SWR Insider is having live question and answer sessions with the crew working at SWR.  The owner of the ranch is Brandon Fugal.  He comes on the Q & A sessions and his transparency and passion for the research and what is being discovered is contagious.  Some of these Insider Sessions (Chips & Salsa sessions are off-filming season and Ranch Revelations are the sessions during the airing of the show) have run for at least 3 hours.  Dr. Travis Taylor and Dr. Eric Bard are so great about explaining things.  
As an Insider we get 24 hour access to cameras set up all around the ranch.  So many things have been "caught" by Insiders.  An incredible spreadsheet has been set up where we can log the things we think we've seen so they can be analyzed further.  It's just cool.

The internet is a fascinating thing.  I have gone down the rabbit hole so many times as I've researched this or that.  Some is so obviously fake, other things make me scratch my head.  I've watched presentations on Quantum Entanglement and plasma and physics, all which shows me how much I do not know.   I've read about the Multiverse, wormholes, additional dimensions we do not know how to access yet... so much makes my brain spin.  I keep reading, watching and learning.

In June,  David Grusha veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), stunned the UFO world when he came forward with claims that the United States has retrieved and studied UFOs of non-human origin and recovered alien bodies.  He went through all the proper Whistleblower protocols, so much of what he has presented to Congress can only be shown to those with the proper security clearances.  An investigation titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency" was created.  

Last week, on July 26th 3 highly respected professionals spoke to a Congressional Subcommittee about UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).  I watched the hearing live and the risk these men are taking to bring some of this to light is staggering.  In addition to Grusch, the panel heard testimony from Ryan Graves, a former Navy pilot who has spoken out about encountering UAPs on training missions, and David Fravor, who spotted a large object captured in the now-famous "Tic Tac" video during a flight off the coast of California in 2004. They confirmed, under oath, that there are secret programs, non-Earth technology recovered and even non-human entities have been studied.  These are not tinfoil hat wearing people.  They're putting their lives, careers and reputations on the line.  It blows my mind.  The claims of a "secret government" operating outside of our elected government that is controlling these things fit in with so many claims over the years.  It's mind blowing.

I know my own personal experiences that I will share another time.  What is amazing to me is almost no one is talking about this.  The mainstream media, with a few exceptions, are not covering this information.  If this is true, the conspiracy and secrets make Watergate look trivial.  It means what we think is real and factual is not.  There are implications that the government gave the "off-world" items to private industry to reverse engineer.  After all, anything in the government is subject to FOIA but private business is not.  The first time I was aware of this allegation is when the stealth planes became known.  I've brought this up to friends and they know nothing about it.  

Am I crazy?  Probably.  But, I do believe we have been lied to.  I do believe in other beings.  I do believe we are not the top of the food chain so to speak.  I believe there is so much more to life and "reality" that we don't begin to understand.    What do you think?  Are you watching?  Are you researching?  Please do.  


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