I am sorry I judged

I've done it.  I've judged people for their choices as I learn about them after the fact.  I read about slavery, evil beatings, hangings, the abuses to women, the abuses to children.  I have wondered how they could go along with such a horrible, hateful things and not stand up and speak up.  Yes, so many did things quietly, covertly, saving one at a time. But I judged.

We've all seen it. 
Organization after organization, individual after individual, is under attack.  It's disturbing.  Politics, religion, economics, how to run an animal rescue, how to raise your child, how to... the world is critical.  It has become overwhelming and I am increasingly staying away from social media.

Growing up my parents would often have a political sign in their front yard supporting their chosen candidate or opinion on an issue.  The last few elections I've commented on how few yard signs I see anymore.  People don't want damage done to their property.  I don't see as many political bumper stickers either. Fear.

But, back to social media.  Back in the day I was quick to voice my opinions and stand for my beliefs.  I find I'm not that way anymore.  Stay quiet, don't make waves, don't offend.  I've stayed away from some things because of the threat of attacks against Tyler's business.  So many mistruths, partial-truths, twisted agendas expressed.  But heaven forbid you speak up - the collective will turn their venom toward you.  So, stay quiet, don't comment, don't put yourself in the line of fire.   It's not just on Facebook, but I see it on YouTube, oh gosh the comments on YouTube.  I don't use Twitter, excuse me, X, because the constant non-stop deluge of opinions made me bonkers.  I took the app off my phone.  I don't TikTok.  It's all just too much.  When did we become such a hate-filled people?

I'm working hard to turn away from all of that and focus on positive.  What organizations are doing the work that touches my heart - I need to focus there.  I'm listening to podcasts about the things I care about that are positive and uplifting.  

So, here I am, once fierce warrior sitting back, being quiet, not making waves, not attracting attention.  I'm sorry I judged people in the past.  Shame on me.  


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