So many emotions are tied up into this day. It's a day the entire nation stood still in horror. It's a day when political parties were forgotten in support of our fellow citizens. It's a day when we saw the very best of our country fight to save their brothers and sisters against the worst the world could throw at us. We watched the skies, called our loved ones and cried buckets of tears for people we don't know. With each new crash heroes were created, and hearts broken.
It may sound bad, but I wish people would remember how on this day, and the days that immediately followed, that we were all simply Americans. I am truly afraid for our country. We are tearing ourselves apart from the inside. We don't need terrorists to fly planes into buildings. We're destroying ourselves. People are told they can't speak ... and when they do they are losing their jobs, their businesses ... their friends. On this day we didn't care if the person was black, white, Asian, Mexican, Catholic, Jewish or Muslem. We cared that they were safe, and if they were dead, we mourned them. All lives mattered.
I've been watching the posts on Facebook. So much hate being posted from people I care about. No one is going to have their mind changed from a Facebook post so how about just STOPPING the posts. Go volunteer. Take your neighbor a plant. Buy a stranger a coffee, or lunch, or invite them to join your table. You will make a much larger impact in the world by doing that then posting how much you hate the President, or Republicans, or Democrats, or Frogs. Well, no one hates frogs, right?
They're cute and they eat flies.

I hope and pray that the message from 9/11 is that we CAN pull together as a country. We CAN unite for a common good. We ALL matter. Peace friends.
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